Hypocrisy and Other Big Words
It's been a while since I've written. I apologize for the lack of twaddle.
Well, I'm a hypocrite. It's a bit vexing but not fatal. You might be interested in hearing about the details but you're not getting them. None of your business. I think it suffices to say that I spotted the infraction, eventually clucked a bit and went on my way. Don't worry, it wasn't anything big. Just like something on the bottom of my shoe- inconvenient but a couple of swipes later, gone.
There might be other glaring examples of this kind of self-duplicity in my life. Hope not. I'd like to think it's not who I am. But you are reading the diary of someone who's avoided shopping at one of the best grocery stores in town because I thought it was seedy and low-rent. Went in there tonight and bought a bunch of organic stuffs at good prices. Some of you are familiar with that pattern. In spite of the consistent recommendation of folks around me, I avoided the place. Ultimately, I didn't listen to those around me on this. Another strike against me!
It wouldn't have surprised me if I had overreacted to the episodes above. Who in their right mind welcomes a self-egging, regardless that the eggs were laid by free-ranging hens fed only organic feed? It wasn't too bad finally. Nice to spot the outright mistakes in my life. Maybe there's some hope on teasing out the more subtle offenses too.