Sunday, October 01, 2006


I've discovered personally that it's called Fantasy Football for a reason.

Against my better sense, I joined onto one of the Leagues at the Times. Just a couple of handful of folks participating. Evenly split by gender, expertise, and attitude, we've got the proverbial microcosm of human behaviors and attitudes at work here.

It's still early in the season and little has gone to plan. One of the girl teams, the Fighting Unicorns, is undefeated. There are some men who find losing to the Fighting Unicorns undesirable. Some teams whose owners have sweated over details have yet to win. One owner failed to activate any of his players two weeks in a row. Those who have talked loudest have eaten the most crow.

My team, I thought, had a good chance of sucking. I am, well, my team is undefeated. I take that as a good indicator of just how much of this is fantasy.


At 8:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go team! Can you get me 50 yardline seats when your team goes to the fantasy Super Bowl?

At 9:28 PM, Blogger Phil said...

Yes I can. The tickets, thankfully, are affordably priced.


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