Friday, September 15, 2006


Back to a chill day with tumbles of clouds and a handful of wind. The best kind of day to lay back, sip some wine, stroll around your estate in the mountains.

Thankfully, I don't have such overhead. I instead was able to peek out of the windows at work, watch crows conspire for food, the Vespa riders try not to die, and be amazed that so many wealthy people exist in one smallish place.

At my magic cube, I have access to cool demographic information about the area. I'm not only amazed that so many bodies can exist in one place, but that so many of them have dizzying incomes. This week, I found out that there are over 10,000 households in greater Seattle that have an annual income of more than $500,000. Annual Income. According to my math, that's like a zillion dollars worth of citizenry.

How does a person tack an extra zero onto everything in their world? Maybe that's the magic. Start spending $100 when you eat out instead of $10. Buy the suit that costs $2490 instead of $249. At some point, I bet the pump gets primed and money just starts flowing into your life. Cripes, getting rich is just simple math!

I doubt if I'll ever see that kind of money. The most expensive beer that I like is around $10 a four pack. I get one of those every five years. Is there beer that costs more than $20 a six pack anyway? What about pizza? I'd have to clock anyone who would charge that much for a pizza. The formula breaks down for me too quickly. Vast fortune looks out of my reach.

That isn't necessarily a bad thing. I can still shoot for A fortune. Vast fortune sounds impressive but out of reach for the moment. Once I define what A fortune is and how to get it, I'll let you know. For now, I'll work on taking a zero off of what I buy every now and then. Maybe I can back into Vast fortune from the opposite direction. Just a thought.


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