Monday, July 03, 2006

Belief, Momentum and Pigeons

The mind will focus. You can either direct it or you'll get whatever it focuses on. Meditation, in this scheme, helps train the mind so you have a bit of control. So goes the argument and it makes sense to me.

This has led to
thinking about where I put my attention, mindfulness. I'm also questioning how much of my belief structure is an accretion of mindless focus as well as the good stuff I've learned. If I have picked up a lot of belief noise, then what happens when I quiet it? What happens if I can direct my life?

It's humbling to me that I've started to feel at home in this mental terrority. The changes have been incremental and a surprise every time. This momentum isn't so much forward-leaning or progressive;
it's not an accumulation of successes. More like taking off your clothes on a hot summer day to go skinny dipping. I feel lighter. It's slippery to describe.

Pigeons, a completely other belief system, have started to hang out on my window ledges. Something has drawn them to my windows. The pair is especially metallic and sheeny. They seem to like to peer into my kitchen with their perfect sunset eyes. What they're up to isn't clear.
I encourage them in their inquiries.


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