Monday, August 28, 2006

90 of them

Ninety posts is a lot of posts. It's official. The website tells me so.

I just learned that my profile has been viewed 93 times.

The other day I picked up my fourth reader (Yea!).

It's a time of milestones that oneone could have anticipated. No one!

There isn't much of a point to the above. My foray into the methodical was to empower the egg-like creative troll-fairy that resides somewhere in my spleen. So far so good except for the sentence above. I have two hand-written letters in a technical pile front of me itching to receive postage and find their way into the world. Writing is everywhere!

For some giddy reason, I'm also going to tell you that I wrote a line or two that a fictional character whispered to me. Reality check: a whisper is not a novel. I don't know what this little appearance is. But it is another log on the fire, another oar dipped into the water, another rebar sunk into the dewy concrete of life.

Perhaps I'm garrulous tonight because I lack confidence, which is true enough. Novels: Big; Words, Phil: small. But the writing stream that I imagined for myself continues to meander forward just as I had imagined. That is bizarre and exhilirating.

This little party celebrates me keeping methodical. Left foot, Right foot. Rise and Shine. Rinse and Repeat. Divide and Conquer. Remember the Alamo! Okay, maybe Method broke down a bit there. But I wanted you faithful readers to share my bewilderment and joy at my mundane and snazzy (dare I say) learning curve.


At 7:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's amazing how something so simple and ordinary can grow into so much. I'm glad you're starting to see how the magic works.

At 7:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hooray for 90 posts! You keep writing 'em and I'll keep reading 'em, 'kay?

I remember the Alamo! It's one of the smallest, and perhaps the least impressive, of the beautiful Spanish missions of San Antonio. It does, however, have that bit of history that makes it important to a lot of us Texans.

I would never have thought to put the words 'dewy' and 'concrete' next to each other. You must be a writer.


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