Monday, August 07, 2006

Kidlearnium Center

What a pleasure seeing my sister and her husband, Gomez, over the weekend. Gomez isn't, by the way, his real name. But he really is in need of a nickname and maybe this one will stick.

The Pacific Center for Hauling $10 Bills Out of Parent's Wallets and Exposing Their Kids to a Gazillion Germs was a great place to spend Sunday afternoon. Don't be fooled by the official name. My digital camera has a microscopic zoom and this is an actual photo enlargement of the germs.

I was able to find a group with a young child, which coincidently happened to be my niece-in-law. The butterfly room was her favorite. Let me explain. It was a room with butterflies. Hey, did I say I was a biology professor?

The dinosaurium was also a hit. They had these giant papier mache dinos which came in a distant second to the actual hand-cranked dino jaw! You could simulate the chew motion with some effort. For fifty cents, you could put a Republican into the jaws and masticate. Just kidding. It was free.


At 7:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, Meester Pheel, you make me laugh.

Boy Days 2006 did not include a trip to the kidlearnium. We went to see live animals instead. Someone seems to have removed all of the zoo's Do not feed Republicans to the animals signs, but I saw no obvious candidates.


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