Abundant a.m. emotions, vibrant. Floyd Landis made a remarkable comeback and has won the Tour! Wow! A prison artist creates paintings using M&Ms. Wow! I could see Puget Sound and the Olympic Mountains from my bus seat. Wow!
What I really want to say is that I was just as emotional that I am divorced. The other stuff I mentioned was true. That made for a rich morning. I have spent the past couple of weeks with a new routine which would provide some poignant divorce wows!
The jolts include: the woman in my training class who had the same wristwatch. The woman driving the mini who smiled at me. The person who wasn't going to get a call in the case of an emergency. You get the picture.
The picture isn't empty, just different, I realize that. But please excuse me for looking directly at it and not seeing it at all.
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