Poke the blog with a stick
Because I was challenged and curious, I decided to put a meter on FishGotta to see how many visitors I get.
I like to joke about my three (er, now four readers!) which always seems like a good joke to me. If I ever get to the point where millions of people want to read me, I'd probably make the same joke, self-evoke the same laugh. Hey, is there a term for that? Self-amusement isn't strong enough. I-musement? Autorisible? Upchuckle?
But the challenger was right, more than three, more than four people a day visit. Very low double digits, if you're at all curious. I honestly thought I'd win the non-bet but she was right! And NO that number doesn't include my visits.
I'm not going to go all Sally Field on you, don't be concerned. More than anything, I added the meter because I was curious about what it would mean to me.
One pleasure is that people from a number of countries outside of the U.S. have visited. It's a strange, good feeling to put myself out there and know that China is peeking in. Although, if all of China starts to visit regularly, I might rethink my no advertising policy. Or at least animating my head so it bobs up and down.
Part of me wants everyone to comment (yes, even all of China) because I'm just curious about how this modest Coalition of the Philling would respond. Some who know me have said that there's a pretty good corrolation between "Philness" and Fishgottablog. That's cool. I like that many of you can hear me as you read. I'm not fishing for comments, really. Really, I'm not. But if you want to, go head, that's another real pleasure.
The best pleasure is that I'm writing and that I surprise myself. It's a weird thing writing in public. But I slowly want to grow accustomed to an audience, be comfortable with it. Even to say "audience" sounds pretentious and ludicrous. My scientific model here is the frog who's in water that you heat slowly. Wait, that's not right! I don't want to end up poached! It's more like an avalance, a go-kart or a legion of army ants. You can pick the metaphor tonight. Or just poke the blog with a stick. That works too. I am very happy about the idea of "poking the blog with a stick." Go 'head.
This challenger of yours sounds very smart. You'd better pay close attention to her. Like, for instance, when she says, keep doing what you're doing, because it's going to lead you right where you want to go.
She IS very smart. I always listen to her whenever my ear flaps can pick up the signal.
Having a meter is interesting. Now you can tell when someone logs onto your blog 300 times a day, or logs on and stays for three hours. You can also get some frightening insight into the weird Google searches that people do, and, even more frightening, you find yourself a target of these searches. Most fun of all is that you can watch when people do random blog grazing. You can see which blog they jumped from and what they saw after leaving your place. It's all a bit spooky at times. And much fun. Congrats on your blog, and on your choice of smart friends.
I came upon this blog from Nina's and I read pretty faithfully but by nature I am a lurcher. I enjoy your mindfulness of life, keep sharing and I look forward to reading.
poke poke... poke
Is it supposed to do something when I poke it?
I'm glad your ear flaps pick up some of what your smart friend says (and vice versa). Otherwise, I wouldn't get to be part of the Coalition of the Philling. (I snorted even when I typed that myself, and I knew it was coming.)
If you poke it hard enough, you'll break your stick. That's about the extent of the interaction thus far.
Don't break your stick. You need to keep it sharp just in case you have to poke yourself in the eye with it.
Sorry, but there are just too few good stick role models out there.
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