Friday, April 20, 2007


Spring continues to creep in here in Seattle. More like "infiltrates." This spring has the feel of home. Maybe it's because for the first time in many years, I have distinct seasons and time-specific markers. Here are some of the shows that are a block or two from where I live.

I am always excited about the onset of poppies. Not for the heroin so much, but the flowers. Just wanted to be clear.

Of course, I continue to look at rocks, take pictures of them, try to make paintings as well. They bloom year round and pose patiently for those of us with minimal skills. Perennials.


At 3:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

With flowers like this, who needs heroin? I've always loved poppies, too, and I like the seeds in salad dressing and on my bagel, if there are no sesame to be had.

Spring is gorgeous here, no?


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