Friday, June 01, 2007


Another lovely ferry ride to visit Janeen in Port Townsend.

I loves me a ferry, the sheer tonnage hurtling on top of the water. When I ride, I routinely buy a handful of candy from the candy store. Runts, I've found, are best for water travel. Today I found a near fatal flaw when I came a micro-second from eating one of my ipod headphones. Closer than it should have been.

In a similar vein, I laughed my ass off watching a sea gull try to land on the rather fat ship railing like his colleague. The landed bird approached perpendicular to the rail so his two feet fit neatly onto the rail. The other gull approached as if the rail were a landing strip. This meant that his feet were far wider than the rail. He kept trying to land and he'd bump his bird crotch (hey, I'm no ornothologist) onto the rail and rising back into the air and reattempting with results beyond clumsy. Honestly seemed embarrassed. Very slapstick.

Hanging out and watching Seattle get small, I find very relaxing. Once the gulls figure out that I'm not food and leave me alone, it's like being on a mini-vacation and no one has to ask if we're there yet.


At 8:40 PM, Blogger Kimberly said...

Now you wait just a minute! Specks Murphy!?! Who are you, and what have you done with my friend Whack-a-Mole?

One thing about swallowing your ipod earbud: you coulda gotten it back out the way it went in. Jeez, what a disgusting thought! Sorry. For some reason, I felt compelled to share.

At 9:04 PM, Blogger Phil said...

McGinty just wasn't getting it done. Look at the tremendous drop off in production during his reign! Plus, he looted the treasury and fled town. Plus, he picked his toes.

While I am nominally less elaborate, I do possess a few positive qualities. Namely, you don't have to use the annoying hyphen when you type my name. Other than that, I'm fresh out of reasons for accepting this shocking change.

ps. I am not going to your emergency room for any ipod related procedures.


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