Saturday, January 12, 2008

Whiskey Post

Don't panic! I'm not tied to the whiskey post, or anything harmful or bluesy like that.

I wanted to take advantage of the many whiskeys I had tonight and write a bit while loose and disconnected. Not as stunning an experience as when I first dropped acid and wrote revelatory prose which, it turned out, saved the world. The whiskey infusion happened as I listened to a colleague's band, Red X.

One of the best things about the evening was that I got to stagger home from the event because they played tonight at the Hungry Woodsman, a few blocks from me. No shit. Well, technically, they're playing at the Buzz Saw Saloon, a subsidiary of HW, Inc. I was mightily tempted to purchase t-shirts and send them to my friends and family, all three of you who find yourself immersed in my life.

Rob, the colleague, is the guitarist for the band. He has a terrific, gymnastic mind and is quirky in the best way. Great to have him around. The trio, not surprisingly, brings a healthy sense of irony to their gigs. Based on one listen, they're at their best when they mix styles. For instance, they shredded a version of Play that Funky Music, White Fellow, that rocked (insert the devil horn sign here)! Always fun to go out an listen to tunes.

At one point, a nice young woman came to my table and asked me to dance. Well, of course. So I let thoughts about simple harmonic motion guide my legs as the song (Stray Cat's Strut) played and had a lovely dance from the not young, but no where near as old as me, woman. Let's face it, I am old and I will not be chasing those who are 15 years younger than me. Just a sweet, disconcerting moment in my funny little life.


Often, I have found that apartments too much resemble a hotel through the magic of whiskey eyes. Thankfully, that wasn't the case tonight. I don't think I would have enjoyed that much. When I came home, I quickly stripped, threw every swatch into the washer and jumped into the shower. I will be very happy when the smoking ban in 2009 takes effect. After toweling off, I immediately fired up the 'puter to communicate to you that, I drank, I listened, I danced and I showered. Thank God for blogging.


At 8:24 AM, Blogger MJ said...

Glad to hear you are getting out into the Medford scene. Rock on dude.
#2 of 3

At 10:01 AM, Blogger beadbabe49 said...

Being a new "visitor" to your blog, may I ask how long you've lived in medford? I ask because we have young friends there who really like it but I've never found it particularly interesting...but then we're coasties and maybe you have to be a mountain-type person to like medford?

At 4:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for 'splaining. "whiskey post" does sound like some kind of log-related incident that could happen at the Buzz Saw Saloon.... But a music, whiskey, and dancing incident is all to the good. Hope you have a great weekend.


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