Bus Buddies
There was a tipping point among the recognized today. The result was a breezy participation ranging across the aisles, north and south. Talk about books, fashion and silliness kept the bus rolling. Even the strange and silent among us (I think I number among the silent) bumped out of our normal sway and listened along.
"Bus Buddy" was a term heard a few times during the overstuffed ride, like saying "Hey bro!" Names don't have to be memorized. Sharing them might be against protocol, maybe against Nature. These are strangers ultimately, no matter how winning their smile.
I liked the tall thin standing guy who kept reaching out and grabbing people's stuff, looking it over and making funny comments. How did he do that without getting killed? Most everyone seemed amused, so I found myself amused too.
You can't choose your family; you can't choose who you ride the bus with. Just like I do with reunions full of unknown, distant relatives, I try to make the best of my commute. But at my stop, I jump off and make an urgent beeline for home. I find it reassuring to watch the green bus shrink away as my doorstep gets closer.
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