Union of the Trilogy
The ever popular myth of "threes" reared its silly, ungainly head today. You know, the celebrities die in a convenient, easy-to-open packet of threes. My version, hearing about tiny kids who are visited by the supernatural or superterrestrial. This afternoon, a cute little towhead (who was wearing FROG boots! One of my nephew's obsessions!) was talking with his adult handler about the ghosts he's been seeing. That makes three tales from kids about the other side.
Now, I am a mostly sensible person. I even concocted a reasonable sounding theory about how my increased spider sense could account for noticing little kids and their imaginations. But, come on! Almost two days in a row, I've heard snipets of two conversations with kids and both were about Entities that Can't Be Explained.
I've watched enough cop shows to know that this is no longer a coincidence, but must point to a truth of what the children saw. What the heck else do I have to reconsider? Are adults just corrupted, deadened children? Were those things in my room one night really visitors that I thought were dead? Was the scarlet wax that appeared on my pillow an ugly warning? Does this mean that there's a benevolent diety as well? No wonder I'm tired this evening.
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