Sunday, February 04, 2007

Florida sans gators

Here are a few pics from the Land of No Gators.

There are no gators in Florida. I don't know how these rumors start. In addition to lacking gators, many of the birds there are blurry as evidenced by this photograph. These birds are apparently owned by the nearby IHOP and they work for squishy bread. Not the greatest of jobs but at least there's work if they want it. I very much would like to see them filling out the little applications with the pencil in their beaks. That's entertainment!

Florida is also filled with flowers based on the percentage of flower photos in my camera. In fact, all the flowers in Florida are camellias, which was a surprise.

Florida skies are dramatic, just as expected. I found them filled with something called "color." This gaudy show is spectacular, sure, but I like the old-fashioned gray skies that I grew up with and are a regular feature in Seattle. Yup, gray is the new black for me. This photo is a bit tilty, which I blame on Florida. It must be a very wiggly state.
There are more photos from the trip. You won't see any of me shooting skeet with Scott (by the way, sounds like a great Sunday morning TV show: Skeet with Scott!), eating mounds of food at the Waffle House or of my lovely family either. They're a great bunch of eggs and what a treat to get to hang with them in their gatorless land.

As much as I kid, I didn't really care about seeing gators. I bet they have foul breath and are ill-mannered. The company I was in was much more attractive and often smelled like various soaps and perfumes. Plus, the fam is fun, awfully nice and considerate, which you can't expect from gators, no matter what the brochures say.


At 3:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gorgeous fotos, my friend.


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