For those of you experiencing the insanity of winter (bless you, Oswego, NY), here is a preview of what's just around the corner.
I do have an image with a sharper focus of the hydrangea bud but it's too alien-death-mouth for me. Plus, in this one, the branches in the background are nice and blurry.
You can't beat the crocus for menacing crowd shots. I'd guess the tall one is their leader.
Here one of my favorite flowers, the Wrinkleblossom. Unlike the others, this is one of the least horror-film like of all the flowers on my block.
While you're nostalgic for spring flowers, I'm nostalgic for snow. Pain-provoking philosophers have described this duality and have assigned specific nomenclature. You'll get none of that philosophical nonsense from me today. I'm just happy to think about the snow and the imagined silence of a deep woods. The flowers make a similar sound.
Thank God there are no orchids (aka Evil Yet Somehow Compelling Dominatrix Flowers)
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